Feel Heavy in the Chest? Throat seems to be blocked up? Can't seem to get rid of Anxiety? Can't Sleep well at Night?
Chakras are referred to as the energy points of your body.
Chakra Readings will examine your body's inner energetic flow.
Having a Clear, Flowing, & Healthy Chakra System Creates Harmony in your Life, Clarity in Destiny / Purpose , & Maintaining such Energy will help you live a Positive Spiritually Driven Life Overall!
This type of Reading will reveal information on why some areas are blocked, overactive, and off balanced & guidance on what you should do about them.
Chakra Readings
Chakra Readings can be done in-person or via phone, FaceTime or Zoom.
In-person sessions can only be done in Southern Arizona and surrounding areas.
After choosing your option and completing your purchase, a member of our team will reach out to schedule your session. Be sure to include your phone number and/or email address.